Education and Newsletters

As part of our goal of staying one step ahead of our clients, and striving to provide them with the highest level of strategic counsel, we regularly distribute educational newsletters as important insurance information becomes available, or as market trends dictate.

Our clients appreciate receiving these newsletters which discuss the benefits of various business and personal insurance products and strategies, and how they can help protect business or personal assets.

Most Recent Educational Newsletters


Understanding Why Homeowners and Automobile Premiums Are Soaring  (Download)
Inflation and Supply Chain Issues Have Dramatically Increased the Cost of Insurance Claims 
Understanding Flood Insurance  (Download)
Understanding Why to Include Butwin on Your Due Diligence with Acquisitions  (Download)
Understanding Sexual Harassment Prevention Training Requirements and Options in NYS  (Download)
Introducing the New Butwin Insurance Group Website   (Download)
Understanding Mergers and Acquisitions   (Download)
Looking for High-Tech Space to Hold a Business Meeting or Community Function?  (Download)
A Fond Farewell to a Firm Favorite  (Download)

Business Insurance – Risk Management

Understanding ADA Website Compliance   (Download)
Understanding Business Income   (Download)
Understanding Captive Insurance   (Download)
Understanding Cyber-Privacy-Data Liability   (Download)
Understanding Employment Practices Liability   (Download)
Understanding the Downside of PEO’s   (Download)
Understanding Social Engineering Exposures   (Download)
Understanding The Paid Family Leave Act (PFL)   (Download)

Personal Insurance

Understanding What to do After a Car Accident   (Download)
Understanding When the Kids Need Insurance   (Download)
Understanding the Butwin Private Client Group   (Download)
Understanding Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist Coverage   (Download)
Understanding A Lot of Cars Are Really Getting Stolen In Your Affluent Neighborhood  (Download)

View Our Educational Videos

Butwin Insurance Group Explains:
Business Interruption Insurance
Butwin Insurance Group Explains:
Employment Practices Liability Insurance
Butwin Insurance Group Explains:
Worker’s Compensation Insurance